V.3 #3 Mathematics - Working Memory: What Is It and What to Do When It Isn’t Working?
Much of learning mathematics involves memory–whether it is committing things to long term memory for later recall, like addition or...
V.3 #2 A Handout for Parents and Teachers - How Can the Keyword Method Improve Memory?
The terms short-term memory and working memory are shorthand for a variety of thought processes that capture, for a few seconds or...
V.3 #2 Best Practices - Motivating the Reluctant Learner: Tools for Inspiring the Genius in All Lear
The most important lesson I learned from my learning-disabled (LD) students was the value in believing that they could do anything that I...
V.3 #2 Counseling/School Psychology -Positive Behavior Support
Behavioral problems go hand in hand with learning difficulties (Todd, Horner, & Sugai, 1999). Oftentimes, it is unclear when a student is...
V.3 #2 Social-Emotional Development -Friendship Characteristics and Students with Learning Disabilit
School based friendships are relationships that contribute to both the academic and social-emotional development of children. A body of...
V.3 #2 Early Childhood -The Neurological Considerations for Understanding the Learning and Socializa
As our readers may be familiar, compromised social interactions and communication represent the defining characteristics of children with...
V.3 #2 Literacy - Up, Up, and Away! Supporting Content Area Learning Through Movement
Many teachers recognize their students’ need to move throughout the day. They offer some wiggle time for younger students and an...
V.3 #2 Mathematics - Fractions -Everybody’s Favorite!
Rational numbers such as fractions “...are among the most complex and important mathematical ideas that children encounter before they...
V.3 #1 A Handout for Parents and Teachers - How Teachers Can Strengthen Children’s Memory
Teachers can strengthen the memory of children with reading disabilities. To do this, teachers must first capture and then keep the...
V.3 #1 Best Practices - Extreme Makeover: Successful Classroom Management Through Redesign
Whatever theory of learning you aspire to (learning styles, multiple intelligences, differentiated instruction, etc.) the research about...