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Message from the
Chief Executive Officer

Learning Disabilities Worldwide (LDW®) continues to be instrumental in changing the world by bringing hope and support to individuals and their families with learning disabilities (LD).
LDW® has created a forum where all nations can join forces on behalf of individuals with learning disabilities. Our ability to partner with other countries allows us to increase early identification and intervention. This ability is essential for the success of individuals with learning disabilities in the United States and around the world.
It is imperative to create public awareness of the early warning signs. We must provide special education services immediately upon identification of learning difficulties. Individuals with learning disabilities face many challenges throughout their lives, which unnecessarily interfere with their achievement. With proper intervention, they progress towards their goals and towards achieving success.
We are committed to serving a world where learning disabilities are recognized, acknowledged, and effectively addressed. We strive to:
educate parents with the information that will enable them to parent their children with learning disabilities;
partner with educators by providing best practices and tools they need to teach effectively;
team with professionals to guide children and adults with learning disabilities by informing them of the multifaceted approaches required for intervention;
support individuals with learning disabilities by offering information and tools to empower them to succeed.
Our ultimate goal is to see individuals with learning disabilities achieve their aspirations in their academic careers, chosen professions, and personal lives by conquering the obstacles of learning disabilities. Please join me as LDW® continues to advocate, educate, and collaborate. Together we are a strong global voice bringing hope to individuals with learning disabilities around the world. Together we are making a difference.
Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro
Chief Executive Officer
Learning Disabilities Worldwide
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